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Looking for finance content that is enjoyable & easy to understand? You’re in the right place! Financial literacy is something most people know nothing about until life forces them to learn. This podcast is here to help you avoid costly mistakes on your personal finance journey.

An all new finance podcast hosted by yours truly, Reni

Don't go broke trying

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Eduek went from $47,000 in debt to building a portfolio that will allow her to retire in her 40s. Listen to this so you can too.

From $47,000 In Debt To Stock Market Success ft. Eduek Brooks

August 25, 2023

Coinfessions time! Today we answer your questions about making the big move to immigrate to Canada.

Coinfessions: Navigating The Canadian Immigration Process

August 4, 2023

Moving to a new country is costly! Follow these tips so you don’t go broke trying to immigrate to Canada.

Moving From Nigeria To Canada With $650, A Plan & A Dream ft. Olu of Canada

July 22, 2023

Coinfessions time! Today we answer your questions about influencer marketing and the money behind it.

Coinfessions: Content Creation, Saturated Niches & Scams

July 7, 2023

There is money to be made in the influencer marketing space! Tosin Olaniyi teaches us how to not go broke trying become an influencer.

Influencer Was Paid $45,000 To Post ONE Instagram Reel?! ft. Tosin Olaniyi

June 23, 2023

Coinfessions time! Today we answer your questions about the intersection of personal injury claims and money.

Coinfessions: Money, Accidents, and Guilty Consciences!

June 12, 2023

Whether you’ve been in an accident before, or just want to be prepared in case it happens, this episode offers invaluable advice on how to not go broke post-accident.

Accidents Happen, But Financial Ruin Doesn’t Have To feat. Bode Odetoyinbo

May 30, 2023

New year, new goals. Here is how you can prepare your finances for 2023.

6 actionable steps to take to prepare your finances for 2023

December 17, 2022

Coinfessions time! Today we answer your questions about chronic illnesses.

Coinfessions: AITA for refusing to spend any more money on my boyfriend’s illness?

November 25, 2022